Photographing Shapes

While taking a pleasant four-mile hike in an urban nature park (Tualatin Hills), I thought about the importance of looking for interesting shapes and patterns. For photography, they are the basics of composition.

Sometimes it’s a spiderweb or reflections in the water. Sometimes it’s the geometric segments of a snake’s head or the roundness of a rose hip.

Keep a sharp eye and the patterns of nature will come alive.

Spider with a treat

Spider with a treat

The answer to the crossword puzzle clue "late bloomer"

The answer to the crossword puzzle clue “late bloomer”

Reflections in a small pond

Reflections in a small pond

Snake in the grass (Garter Snake)

Snake in the grass (Garter Snake)







Rose Hip

Rose Hip

Walkway through a wet area

Walkway through a wet area

Categories: Portland Area HikesTags: , , , ,


  1. Truly awesome.

    But what is the answer to the “late bloomer” question?

  2. Spiders and their intricate webs.
    The eerie beauty makes me shiver. 😉

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