A Day at the Lake during the Coronavirus Outbreak

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Hagg Lake

In early May my destination was the eastern foothills of the Coastal Mountains. A 14-mile trail (1,450 feet of cumulative elevation gain) travels around Henry Hagg Lake, the impoundment behind Scoggins Valley Dam.

It was forecast to be in the 80s, so I took lots of water. But not enough, I was still pretty dehydrated and tired by the time I finished the hike.

Oregon Flag

There are five creeks flowing into the 2 1/2 mile long reservoir, providing outstanding habitat for song birds, wildflowers and butterflies.

Most outdoor recreational sites are closed in Oregon due to the coronavirus outbreak. Hagg Lake is one of the few that stayed open. And sure enough, by the time I left there were literally hundreds of people in boats, lining the shore fishing, just laying out in the sun or kayaking.

Due to the heat and the very muddy trail in places, I only saw a few other folks on the trail. And to their credit, everyone seemed to be taking the six-foot distance request seriously.

Pleasant stretch of trail

Many stretches of the trail are muddy and sloppy

Scotch Broom, Lupine and Vine Maple

Turkey Vulture on the prowl

Folks enjoying the Lake

Earth-filled dam

Baneberry, False Solomon’s Seal and spring blossoms

Nice day on the Lake for fishermen and kayakers

A few old-growth Doug Fir trees can be see along the trail












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